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Current Filter: website design

What You Need to Know About WordPress

Tim Summers
Website Design

WordPress began as a humble website blogging tool but evolved into one of the most popular website development platforms and Content Management Systems (CMS) on the market.

The ability to create a website with little to no programming knowledge quickly made WordPress popular. This was especially true among amateur website enthusiasts and marketing agencies with little to no website development experience.

Five questions to ask when selecting a website development vendor

Tim Summers
Website Design

You’ve decided it’s time for a new website. You've narrowed down your choices to a short list of web development vendors to call. Unfortunately, you’re not sure what questions to ask. Don’t worry, here are 5 questions to get the conversation started.

Change Your Website To Google Analytics 4. Google Retiring Universal Analytics.

Tina Hutzelman
Website Design

On March 16, 2022, Google announced they will begin to sunset their long-used Google Universal Analytics. In its place, they are offering Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Because many Diversified Computer and Diversified Marketing customers have Universal Analytics built in to their websites, we bring this to your attention.

What makes a good website?

Tina Hutzelman
Website Design

If you're like many business leaders, you don't have the time to figure out what makes a good website and whether yours meets the criteria. Let us tell you.


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